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Chakra Singing Bowl Gift Set

Chakra Singing Bowl Gift Set

Regular price £29.99 GBP
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These sets come in a lovely box making an ideal gift. Set includes the bowl, an authentic cushion and wood stick. The inside of the box describes the chakra you chose to purchase plus more information on singing bowls. These bowls were handmade in India.

Use the wood stick to make the bowl sing. A gift that will make someone more than happy - bringing a little extra inner calm to their routine.


Root/Support Chakra located at the base of the spine. Its function is survival and grounding. Its inner state is stillness and stability. Its colour is red and its planets are Earth and Saturn.   

Its stones are Garner, Ruby, Onyx, Obsidian Meditation on am Balancing this chakra gives energy to the physical body, control fear, increases overall health and helps in grounding. 


Navel/Sacral Chakra located in the lower abdomen, genital womb. Its function is desire, sexuality, pleasure, procreation. Its inner state is tears. Its colour is orange and its celestial body is the Moon. Its stone is Coral and carnelian Meditation on 1 Level.

Balancing this chakra is associated with sexual vitality, physical power and fertility. Energies: Fire, Energising changing.

Solar Plexus (sold out)

Solar Plexus Chakra located in the area above the navel area. Its function is willpower. Its inner state is laughter, joy, anger. Its colour is yellow and its planets are Mars and the Sun. 

Its stones are Amber, Topaz, Citrine. Meditation on I do.

Balancing this chakra is associated with calming emotions and frustration, easing tension and helping to better utilise intuition energy, easing tension and helping to better utilise intuition.

Energies: Fire, Energising, Charging, Lends Energy.

Heart (sold out)

Heart Chakra located in the centre of the chest. Its function is love, its colour is green and its planet is Venus. Its stones are green/pink Stone-Peridot, Rose Quartz, and Malachite. Meditation I love. 

Balancing this chakra is important for the circulatory system, heart, and thymus. It also affects spiritual love, compassion, and universal oneness. Energies: Water, Calming, Soothes, Relaxes.


Throat Chakra located in the throat. Its function is communication, creativity. Its inner state is a synthesis of an idea into symbols.

Its colour is bright blue and its planets are Mercury and Neptune. Its stone is Sodalite, Blue Lace, Agate, Lapis, Lazuli.
Meditation on I speak. 

Balancing this chakra is important for the speech and communication.

Energies: Water, Calming, Soothes, Relaxes

Third Eye (sold out)

Third Eye Chakra located in the centre of the forehead above the eyebrows. Its function is seeing intuiting. Its inner state is I Know.

Its colour is indigo and its planet is Jupiter. Its stone is lolite. Its meditation is I see. 

Balancing this chakra helps psychic perception and balances the pineal gland.

Energies: Air, Meditative, Intuition, Promotes thought.

Crown (sold out)

Crown Chakra located at the top of the head. Its function is understanding. Its inner state is bliss its colour is Violet its planet is Uranus. Its stone is Amethyst.  

Balancing this chakra is said to give vitality to the cerebrum and affects the development of psychic abilities. 

Energies: Air, Meditative, Intuition, Promotes thought.

Singing bowls are a type of bell, the sides and rim of singing bowls vibrate to produce sound. Slightly tricky to master, but with time you will be enchanted.


Use of a Himalayan singing bowl can help you access theta and alpha brainwaves and open you up to insight and calm, beyond the rational mind.


By using a regular meditative practice like a singing bowl, we can place our body into an environment more receptive to healing.


Using a singing bowl allows us to temporarily place technology to the side and focus on the beauty of the present moment.

How to Use

To create sound with your singing bowl, firmly press the accompanying mallet in a circular motion against the bowl's outside edge or rim. When you hear a bright, clear tone, you can slow down the motion. Use your full arm to make the motion, rather than just rotating your wrist.

You can also make the same circular motion against the outside belly of the bowl. Additionally, you can gently strike the bowl before beginning the circular motion.


Product size: 8x8x5 cm

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