Kick Start Your New Beginning with These 8 Crystals at Easter Time

Kick Start Your New Beginning with These 8 Crystals at Easter Time

girl in spring field


Whatever your spiritual beliefs, Easter time is all about new beginnings, from the blossom on the trees and little baby lambs to a good spring clean. But it's not just your house that can be given a spring clean, your life can have one too and this starts with revitalising your mind, body and soul. How can we achieve this? Well, in many ways, but one of them is by using crystals from the Earth itself. 

The actions you take totally depend on you and what you want to achieve with your new beginning. Perhaps you have come or are coming to the end of a long relationship, and want some support to help you find what comes next. Or maybe you are just going through a stagnant period of your life and need a bit of a boost or to see things through a fresh lens. You might be experiencing feelings of boredom, fear or grief. Just keep in mind that change is good, and when one door closes, another always opens. It's the rule of the Universe!

Whatever it may be that you're going through, there is definitely a crystal that can help. Whether it's to provide energy, confidence or guidance, there will be the perfect stone to support you.

Here are some great stones for new beginnings:


raw opal

Opal is known as the stone of renewal, so perfect for that fresh start. It's calming and helps balance emotions, so will be helpful in staying centred when going through traumatic changes. Opal is also believed to bring good fortune, peace, joy, and wealth to its wearer, so it would be a good idea to wear opal jewellery to keep your vibration high and positive if the change you are going through is sudden and unexpected.


raw citrine

Citrine is a stone of happiness and positivity, it energises every level of life, so new beginnings will certainly be fresh and fun! It's also a huge confidence booster, which will help if you are going for that promotion or starting a new venture. Its ability to help in collecting wealth will also be useful in this regard. 


tumbled labradorite

Labradorite is a stone of transformation, and an incredibly useful companion through change, as it will impart strength and perseverance. It is also excellent for amplifying intuition, which may help to guide you in the right direction if you are not sure which way to turn. This stone lets you see many possibilities at once, so you wont be short of inspiration for new ideas.

rough amazonite

Amazonite assists one in being in the right place at the right time for new opportunities, which is ideal for shaking things up when life feels stagnant. It is also a good luck stone for games of chance, competitions, and any financial venture, so keep one with you if you plan to take some new risks. Manifest your wildest dreams and desires using this stone, as it magnifies one's intentions. It also increases courage and dispels negative energy, worry, and fear so it will be your perfect support when making your big changes.
Rainbow Moonstone

rough rainbow moonstone

Rainbow moonstone is actually known as the stone of new beginnings! It's the perfect stone for helping you face the realities of change that you'd rather not. Whether that's a breakup you didn't want, or an upheaval you weren't ready for. This stone will help you to see these changes as a positive rather than a negative, and appreciate them for what new doors can be opened.

Green Aventurine

tumbled green aventurine

Green Aventurine is a stone of decisiveness and perseverance. It aids in seeing alternatives and possibilities so it will provide great encouragement to try something new. It will help you embrace change and motivate you to attract new love, making it a useful companion if you are going through a difficult breakup. It also stimulates confidence and willpower, helping you to choose a new path and stick to it.


raw kyanite

Kyanite is great for cutting through emotional ties and unhelpful beliefs, which may be holding you back from moving forward on a better path. When venturing into new beginnings, you need to be able to act without worrying about what others may think, the calm and balance of Kyanite will help you to do this, while encouraging self-belief. As a stone of introspection, it will also help you to understand why things have happened they way they did. With this clarity, you can take the lessons learned and move forward to bring new dreams into fruition without being bogged down by feelings of regret, guilt or shame about the past.

Moss Agate

polished moss agate pebble

Moss Agate is one of the best stones for new beginnings, as it refreshes the soul and enables you to see beauty in all you behold.  It also inspires new ideals after periods of stagnation and promotes self-expression and communication, which are important when making big changes. This stone is a great emotional balancer, releasing fear and stress during tumultuous times, while encouraging trust and hope in the future. 

Now, all you need to do to harness the benefits of these amazing crystals and work towards achieving your goals, is charge them with your clear and concise intention. One way to do this is to focus on what you want and visualise this as you hold your crystals in your hand. Other options are to speak your intentions aloud or write them down, with the crystals on our near you. You can then meditate with them, place them around the house, carry them with you in your pocket or hand bag or simply wear them as jewellery.

Wishing you the best of luck with your new endeavours!



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